Monday, July 23, 2007

Camping trip

He is having so much fun walking! Over the 4th we went on an interesting camping trip. We borrowed Stan's parent's car and their pop-up trailer and went to Lehman's cave in Nevada. 70 miles outside of Delta the van overheated. So we waited about an hour trying to cool it off. Then we went 3 miles and it died again. So we waited another hour in the heat waited for it to cool off. Finally we try it with fingers crossed and we went maybe another 3 miles and it died AGAIN!!!! This time for good. There was smoke and everything. The nice sherrif of Millard County took us to the border town that was 20 minutes away where we waited 3 1/2 hours for Stan's dad to get us. But there was hope. Another vehicle was brought to us so we could go camping since we were there already!

So with high hopes we go off to find a camping spot. To our dismay. . . there were NONE!!!! So with our heads low we find an RV park( where we paid way to much) and parked for the night to try again in the morning. We were able to go through the amazing caves and enjoy a beautiful camping spot with a stream and everything. There are no pictures because we left our camera at home thanks to Heather! (Too much stuff and not enough brain).

It was a great time but I don't want to go camping for a long time. Maybe next summer?!?

After that trip Tyson decided he had enough of everyone else going faster than him. So he decided we would start walking and has never crawled again. It is crazy how they learn to fast when they want to. Emma has fun chasing him around the house. I cannot wait until HE can chase her. I don't think she will think it is as much fun.

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