Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas time adventures
Happy 28 Stan!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tyson is ready!
As you may have noticed I have been a slacker when it comes to blogging and I am sorry. We did have a great Thanksgiving. We went to Stan's family's in Delta and have a great time. I was a little worried as to how the weekend was going to go because the first night there Tyson threw up 4 times. The next day however he was great. You would have never known that he was sick the night before. Emma also had reached a huge milestone this weekend also. She survived her first sleepover with her cousins. She was gone about 24 hours and had a great time. Now she cannot wait to do it again the next time we go down. I was fully expecting a phone call in the middle of the night to go get her but it never came. I was really different not having her around for that long but she had a great time and is getting to know the joy of cousins.
The other day we were talking about our up coming trip to see Grandma Karen, and Tyson must have been listening because shortly after we found him in Emma's suit case we use for her dress-ups. He is also going through the stage where he dumps everything out and sits in the container whether his bumb fits or not.
Monday, November 05, 2007
As you can see Tyson REALLY did not enjoy his costume. The first time I tried it on him he cried like I hurt him. Maybe it was because he did not think Grandma was very funny in thinking he should be a chicken because of his name. He was a great sport on Halloween. He kept it on through the Trunk-or-treat and in the car ride to my aunt's house in Orem. Tyson sure made a pretty cute chicken. Emma now wears he costume for dress up EVERY day. I am glad she is getting more than one wear out of it.
Tyson has such a little personality that is picture makes me laugh!!! At least he stood still long enough for me to take the picture!!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
Family Home Evening
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Long time no write
Monday, July 23, 2007
Camping trip
So with high hopes we go off to find a camping spot. To our dismay. . . there were NONE!!!! So with our heads low we find an RV park( where we paid way to much) and parked for the night to try again in the morning. We were able to go through the amazing caves and enjoy a beautiful camping spot with a stream and everything. There are no pictures because we left our camera at home thanks to Heather! (Too much stuff and not enough brain).
It was a great time but I don't want to go camping for a long time. Maybe next summer?!?
After that trip Tyson decided he had enough of everyone else going faster than him. So he decided we would start walking and has never crawled again. It is crazy how they learn to fast when they want to. Emma has fun chasing him around the house. I cannot wait until HE can chase her. I don't think she will think it is as much fun.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Cute Kids
The New House
Emma loves the tramopline in the back yard. She loves to jump and play and ride her trike. Things are going very well for us in the new house.